Fujinon EG-450WR5 Gastroscope

Fujinon EG-450WR5 Gastroscope

$4,995 (USD)


Prime Medical Instruments, Inc. PRIMEMI.COM 310_595_1231 WhatsApp If you have any questions or are looking for something that we don't have listed, please feel free to call us! EG-450WR5 Fujinon Video Gastroscope (9.4 mm dia) **Note: Scope has a leak at the connector.  Image, light output and angulation are all good.  Other than the leak, this scope is in very nice condition. Please take a look at all of the pictures! 310_595_1231 WhatsApp If you have any questions or are looking for something that we don't have listed, please feel free to call us!


Stock Number2625232